“And one day ... i just realized that her smile became a beautiful ... therapy for my soul” … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Sometimes ... the best thing we could do ... is ... go to a therapist and try to treat our negative side of life.

And it’s quite easy to find a good ... or even a great therapist.

With the power of the internet .. you could choose anyone ... from any corner of the world ... but we still have the dogmatic concept that someone that goes to the therapist has actually kind of an ... illness.

We don’t understand ... that a therapist could actually be kind of a coach that guide us for a better evolution in life ... and also let us be dominated of the beautiful side, not only of our dark side.

A close friend of mine told me that when she started the Faculty of Philosophy ... the dean started his speech saying ... “To all the new ones in our faculty ... i know you all have a different kind of mental illness ... and you came to us just to become your own therapists ... but before meeting the Angels from the philosophical studies ... you’ll have first


to talk to all the daemons from inside of you”.

But what are the chances for the rest of us ... to heal ourselves ... if we don’t go to a therapist ... or think about studying philosophy at university?!

Well ... let me tell you a greater trick for that ... you could just connect to the vibes of the beautiful nature .... while walking into the park ... or look at the innocence of children that are less than 7 years old and had not been corrupted yet by the influence of society ... or even easier ... admire the power of the people that have the ability to smile ... and enjoy life ... in a world painted in such a large spectrum of grey colors.

You will laugh of me telling you this ... but that smile could become the best therapy for the soul.

Just think about it!


Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my life” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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